Low Carb Veggie Protein Pancake


You may have seen some of my previous pancake recipes on here and noticed that I don’t seem to be eating them lately. Well, here is why: I am cutting. That means that in order to burn bodyfat, I have lower carbs and lower fats in my overall diet. So, sadly, my high carb and high protein pancakes had to go. I still freaking LOVE pancakes, and couldn’t stand the thought of not having a protein pancake every morning! So I created a lower carb version that is packed full of awesome micronutrients!

Living Fit // Struggles Lately

Fitness, Lifestyle

I knew this day would come. The day where I fell flat on my face. In fact, it wasn’t just one day. It was a weekend. I had a breakdown and I didn’t know how to stop it. I felt like a kid getting caught stuffing cake in their mouth with frosting all over their face. That feeling of shame, guilt, disappointment, frustration and just exhaustion. It happened.

Living Fit // More Than My Physique


There are plenty of obvious changes that have occurred over the years with my focus on fitness and competing. I have basically shrunk in half, put on obvious muscle, changed the way that I eat and view food, and added a structured workout regime. Those are all changes that anyone would clearly notice. But what I want to talk about are the changes that have happened that may not be obvious to you from pictures or social media. These changes are deeper, and are more than my physique.

Why I Love Wen


I have been using Wen for a year now, and when I first started thinking about making the switch I was researching reviews all over the place! It was easy to find mixed reviews or bad reviews but it was a challenge to find good reviews! So, obviously I have given this hair care system a fair shot, and I love it! Curious as to if it may be the right choice for you, or why someone may like it? Read on!

Living Fit // A Typical Day of Food

Fitness, Lifestyle

I thought it might be fun to do a post that shares what a typical day looks like for me right now in terms of food! I started to write this the other week…but then I recently changed up my meals…not my macros, just how they are met at each meal. So this isn’t 100% accurate at the moment….but not an uncommon set up! Now, keep in mind that my macros are determined by my coach specifically for me. What my teammates eat, other competitors eat, etc is different, and all catered specifically for those individuals. My macros are laid out for me and me alone. That being said, here is a look at what a typical day is for me!

Low Carb Cauliflower Za’atar


I am Lebanese, and one of my favorite traditional foods is a bread product with Za’atar on it! Now, since I am eating lower carb and leaning out, I don’t really have the macros to eat legit za’atar bread. So I set out to get creative in the kitchen and make a low carb version!

Living Fit // We All Struggle

Fitness, Lifestyle

This post comes from a place where I have my moments of ups and downs. This past week was a really great week for me as far as stress levels go! I was able to keep myself calm, collected and peaceful. Yet I still struggled with staying within my macros. So I wanted to take a moment to reflect on it.