Small Changes Lead to Progress


When starting out on your fitness journey it can easily feel overwhelming. With all of the information available online and in magazines you may feel like you don’t know where to begin. Well rest easy, because any small step that you take towards living a healthier life does make a difference. Small steps add up to big change!

Product Review // Tula

Lifestyle, Posts

I thought I would take a moment to review for you a product that I have been using for a while now, especially since it’s a newer skincare line that you may not have heard about. Tula is a skincare company that utilizes probiotic technology to provide your skin with high quality ingredients that leave you feeling truly radiant.

Less than 5 Weeks Out

Fitness, Posts

I just passed the 5 weeks out mark for my first competition! It’s both exciting and terrifying all at the same time. For the past 3 or 4 weeks I have been on a meal plan, which is entirely new for me as I have always done IIFYM. I was sick at the beginning so it was really challenging at first. I actually sat at the table one day in the first week and cried. Now, it’s easier, and more of just an everyday thing.

Living Fit // Back Exercises


I have really struggled with building up my strength in my back. My back has always been a weak point for me, and it took quite a lot of work to get my back to gain any significant amount of strength. Everyone’s body has different strengths, and mine does not happen to be my upper body! :) So, here are some exercises I tend to do in order to bring the strength to my upper body.

Living Fit // Challenges of a Clean Lifestyle

Fitness, Lifestyle, Posts

I have been working on my health and fitness since April of 2013. I started getting really serious in the fall of ’13, and have been continuing to push myself in new ways. In January of 2014, I started seeing a nutritionist once a month because I felt like I was missing that piece of the puzzle. I wasn’t eating horribly, but I felt like I wasn’t fully educated or aware of what I should and shouldn’t be putting into my body and why. So I began working on cleaning up my diet. We talked about my goals, how to properly balance my macros, the amount of calories I should be consuming due to my workouts, what kinds of foods I should eat and why, and how to balance my lifestyle.

Living Fit // Squashing My Sweet Tooth

Fitness, Posts

I have a sweet tooth. Specifically delicious chocolate treats. Ice cream, brownies, cookies, cake, etc. Love it all. I know that if I am going to succeed in my competition prep I will need to conquer and give up sweets. I decided that conquering my sweet tooth earlier rather than later would be better because then I can gradually cut it out, instead of going cold turkey! So I made it my goal to cut out all added sugars.

Living Fit // My Favorite Workouts

Fitness, Lifestyle, Posts

There are a lot of really great workout programs out there! I hear so many great things about all of the Beachbody products and more! I personally, have never been one to do programs because I like having the freedom to do my own thing. So I thought I would share with you some of my top 5 basic moves for each area!

Living Fit // Meal Prep

Fitness, Lifestyle, Posts

I have been working on living a healthy lifestyle for almost 2 years now. If there’s one thing that I have found to be the absolute most important (besides making a commitment to working out each week,) it is meal prep! When I first started my fitness journey, I didn’t do a lot to clean up my diet and nutrition. Sure, I saw results from just working out, but it was never the amount of results I had hoped for. Once I began eating clean and meeting my macros, my body changed dramatically! Now the challenge is, how on earth can you eat clean and meet your macros on a day to day basis? There are so many easy routes when it comes to food, but they tend to be processed, full of fat, sodium and sugar, with little nutritional value. Eating a clean diet seems like, and truly can be, a daunting task. So, how do you do it? Meal prep.

Living Fit // Frustrating Plateaus

Fitness, Posts

This is more of a personal reflective post rather than informative, so bear with me. In any fitness journey you will experience plateaus. That’s expected. But that doesn’t make them any easier when you hit those bumps in the road! I am currently trying to bust through a frustrating plateau with my upper body.

Wedding Week Begins

Lifestyle, Personal, Posts


So, I have been pretty MIA from the blog for a good while now. Sorry for those of you who are regulars….which I feel like I might be hearing crickets out there? ;) haha Anyway, it has been a bit crazy busy lately with the wedding coming up in…..wait for it….. 8 days! And prepping at work for being gone for a couple weeks. Not to mention all of the holidays in between! Needless to say, I have been busy! But, I thought I would take a few moments to update you all on how I am feeling one week out from saying, “I DO.”