Where I’m At Now


It’s been a bit since I have given a progress update. I don’t really have any progress pictures that I want to share right now, and check-ins are tomorrow. But I thought I would share where I am at mentally and emotionally right now.

I had that brief lapse in my journey the other week, where I was emotional, bad on my diet, and just down in the dumps. Currently, I’m past that hump. Still reeling the effects physically I think, as my progress pictures most likely won’t be what they would have been had I not had that slump. However, I’m mentally and emotionally doing well. I’m taking things one day at a time.

I am trudging along as normal, doing what my coach says and giving it my 100% each day. Ive accepted that my 100% for each day looks different….each and every day. I dont let myself get lazy, but I do have to give myself a little grace here and there. My schedule is pretty messed up right now due to travels and my gym will be closed for improvements next week. So I’ll have to go well out of my way to a different Y, or I will need to pay for a weekly pass somewhere nearby. Haven’t quite figured that out yet.

End of the day vascularity

End of the day vascularity

I have been surprisingly enjoying my fasted steady state (or LISS…low intensity steady state) cardio at 4am this week. I have the free elliptical from my neighbor up the street that I am putting to good use! It’s really not all THAT bad. One day I watched some HBO Go, and some days I listen and dance to music. All in all, not that bad. Just getting it done! 4am does feel early, but once I am up it feels just fine!

I’m hungry, but I have adjusted pretty well to the low carbs and lower fats. It’s not brutal. I’ll be sad if and when my Greek yogurt goes away, or cottage cheese….or almonds….or tortillas. But again, it’s all temporary and not all that bad. I’ll adjust. One day at a time my friends, one day at a time. I don’t have time to get stressed, or freak out or worry. I just need to face each day and give it what I can. No point in worrying. (remind me that next week when my gym is closed haha!)

Anyway, that’s a brief update! Progress pictures are hopefully decent tomorrow! Drying back out after my lapse the other week, and fasted cardio REALLY does help with that, oh my gosh! If only I had the elliptical sooner!!!! Gee Whiz!!! :)

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